Total Health Land Your one-stop site for natural and herbal remedies to various ailments Sun, 04 Nov 2018 12:13:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Medicinal Values of Aloe Vera Thu, 27 Sep 2018 02:34:33 +0000 Aloe vera, one of the wonder plants in the world. It’s no surprise that aloe is mentioned in the Bible since it’s one of the oldest plants on record due to its medicinal properties and health benefits.

Today, most homes now has a potted aloe vera in their premise, ready to be used topically for burns, sunburns, cuts and skin irritations. When applied, aloe gel promotes healing, and has anesthetic and antibacterial properties that increase blood or lymph flow in the small vessels surrounding the wound.

When used orally, aloe juice may be helpful for lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients as well as for reducing blood lipid levels in those with abnormally high fat in the blood.

Research shows that aloe contains antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that help rid the body of toxins and invading pathogens.

Now, let’s take a look at some medicinal value of aloe vera, used orally or topically.

  1. Weight loss and Digestion-supporting

Aloe vera juice may help you to lose weight. Research indicates that aloe vera juice contains a substance called beta-sitosterol, a compound which can combat heart disease and lower cholesterol in the blood. Not only that, the beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols found in aloe vera can also increase fat loss.

Part of the weight-balancing effects of aloe vera may be due to its digestion-supporting abilities. More regular bowel movements and less gastrointestinal irritation from drinking aloe vera juice can mean less bloating and a slimmer waistline.

Aloe vera juice has long been used as an effective natural remedy for digestive issues. The natural fiber contained within aloe vera can help to stimulate regular bowel movements and keep your digestive system moving along as it should.

Drinking aloe vera juice may also reduce acid reflux by soothing the digestive issues in your stomach. It can even help to rid your gastrointestinal tract of parasitic worms on account of its vermifugal abilities. Added together, the collective healing powers of aloe vera juice mean it is a great short-term remedy to many digestive problems.

  1. Anti-diabetic and Blood sugar-regulating

The scientific evidence shows that aloe vera juice can provide a powerful natural treatment for diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Phytomedicine found that aloe vera juice “significantly reduced levels of fasting blood glucose within two weeks and of triglycerides within four weeks.” Researchers went on to conclude that “the results support the use of aloe vera in the treatment of diabetes.”

If there’s one thing that aloe vera has received the most scientific praise for, it’s blood sugar regulation. Multiple studies indicate that aloe vera can have a positive effect on blood health and the management of blood glucose, which has significant implications for those suffering from diabetes.

  1. Skin-toning and hydrating

Drinking of aloe vera juice, as well as applying topically, is an excellent way to improve the health and appearance of your skin. It hydrates the skin cells and provides a wide range of vitamins and nutrients. This helps reduce skin inflammation, fight off harmful bacteria, and keep your skin looking and feeling supple and elastic. This means that aloe vera can be a great way to get rid of stubborn acne and other blemishes.

The hydrating powers of aloe vera gel are legendary, making it the go-to natural remedy for sunburn, burn wounds and dry skin. These powers work the same way inside your body when you drink aloe vera juice. It helps to replenish the cells in your body, provide vital nutrients and moisturize your skin from the inside out.

  1. Hair-growing

If you’re having trouble achieving the long, silky hair that you’ve always wanted, aloe vera juice may be just the thing. Drinking aloe helps to keep your pH balance within a healthy range to boost growth and help your hair follicles retain moisture. Not only that, you can combine the internal hair-supporting benefits of aloe vera juice with the external benefits of aloe vera gel. Apply the gel directly to your scalp. It will help to remove dead skin cells and clear up excess sebum, both of which can contribute to hair loss or poor hair health.

  1. Gum-healing

The healing powers of aloe vera juice even benefit the health of your gums. Drinking aloe vera juice helps to reduce inflammation in the mouth and simultaneously eliminate harmful bacteria. Inflammation of the gums can cause all kinds of problems, including pain and swelling of the areas around your teeth. Harmful bacteria can infect your gums and contribute to various kinds of gum disease, which is not something you ever want to deal with!

Studies also show that the healing powers of aloe vera extend well beyond the gums. Aloe vera is a commonly prescribed dental remedy due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory abilities. Research shows that aloe vera juice and gel can:

  • Protect against oral infection
  • Strengthen gums
  • Reduce gum irritation
  • Accelerate healing and reduce pain associated with canker sores
  • Reduce tooth pain and lower sensitivity
  • Be used as a mouthwash due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
  • Speed healing following tooth extraction
  1. Detoxifying

Aloe vera has a strong detoxifying effect, both when applied topically and taken internally. Experts think that it is the viscous consistency of the aloe juice which is responsible for this beneficial effect. It helps aloe to absorb and expel the toxins from your digestive tract as it passes through. The scientific literature seems to agree. One study showed that aloe vera supplementation protects against arsenic-induced oxidative stress.

  1. Immunity-boosting

We rely on a functioning immune system to protect against attack and infection from the microscopic world that surrounds us. Drinking aloe vera juice can help to boost your immunity by providing high levels of polysaccharides. These compounds help our bodies to produce macrophages. These are an important element of our immune system which defends against viral infection and other harmful invasions.

  1. Alkalizing and Energizing

By now, you’ve probably heard about the great benefit that alkalizing foods can provide to your general health. Many traditional and holistic practitioners believe that bodies which are overly acidic are at greater risk of infection and disease. Therefore, eating more alkalizing foods can significantly improve a person’s chance of staying happy and healthy. Drinking aloe vera juice can have an alkalizing effect on your digestive system. According to those practitioners, this is more good news for your health!

Since most of the food we eat contains toxic, where synthetic chemicals and artificial food ingredients accumulate in our bodies and begin to take their toll on our energy levels. By cleansing your digestive system and hydrating your cells, drinking aloe vera juice can help to cleanse your body of toxins and have you feeling more energetic in no time.

  1. Bowel-supporting

Aloe vera juice has long been a traditional and mainstream method of relieving constipation. Because it has a strong laxative effect on your digestive system, aloe vera juice can provide an effective way to overcome short-term constipation. Just don’t go overboard! Aloe vera can have a mildly toxic effect in high doses.

  1. Cancer-fighting

There seems to be no end to the health benefits that aloe vera can provide! This time, research suggests that drinking aloe vera juice may even slow the progression of certain cancers. A 1998 study published in the Journal of Natural Immunity found that twice-daily oral administration of aloe vera helped to halt the progression of a number of patients suffering from metastatic cancer. According to the study, the percentage of individuals surviving one year later was significantly higher in the aloe vera group than the placebo group.

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The TRUTH about sugar Fri, 31 Aug 2018 01:45:08 +0000 The TRUTH about sugar… You can’t just “burn off” sugar…

You’ve heard a million times from health experts, bloggers, and on the news that sugar is terrible for you, but most people don’t truly understand WHY it’s so bad…

In fact, most people falsely think that if they eat sugar, they can just exercise a little bit harder that day or the next day so they can “burn it off”…

Unfortunately, that kind of thinking will lead you to an early grave.

It’s not as simple as just “burning off sugar”…

It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, and how sugar gums up your internal workings, causing disease.

Once again, I’m not exaggerating here, so pay close attention…

If you knew exactly why sugar is so bad for you and exactly what it does to your cells in your body, I promise that you would think twice about eating that piece of cake, candy, sugary soft drink, or ice cream, or feeding them to your children.

Here are just a few of the reasons that sugar is killing you…

  • Sugar causes extreme fluctuations in your blood sugar, and excess blood sugar causes Glycation inside your body, which accelerates the rate of aging of your organs, skin, arteries, and joints.
  • Sugar also raises your triglycerides to dangerous levels, which can lead you to heart disease.
  • If that weren’t bad enough, eating sugar too frequently also causes type 2 diabetes in the long run because you wear out your pancreas and insulin sensitivity.
  • And if you need even more reasons why sugar will kill you, sugar also slows down your white blood cells, making infection more likely, and even allowing TUMOR/CANCER cells a better chance to form in your body.

Of course, you already know that sugar makes you fat, and gives you excess calories without any beneficial nutrients whatsoever.

To clarify, when we talk about how much damage sugar does to your body, we’re NOT talking about tiny amounts such as having 5 grams of sugar from a teaspoon of honey in your tea. Small amounts of natural sugar like that is not a problem.

The REAL damage occurs when you eat that piece of cake and ingest 40-50 grams of sugar in one sitting, or that bag of candy with 35+ grams of sugar, or that soft drink with 45 grams of sugar or more…

Now that you know why sugar, is killing you and your family, maybe you’ll think twice about eating sugar laden food.


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Signs That Shows Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Remedy It. Wed, 25 Jul 2018 07:10:36 +0000 Signs That Shows Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Remedy It.

I am sure that you are one of the numerous people that stuff up their system with acid-forming foods and never thought about its implications.

Most Nigerians filled their system with highly acidic foods and drinks (fast foods and sugar laden drinks, heavy tubers and high starchy foods), believing that they are enjoying and having a good time.

Did you know that pH (acid-alkaline ratio) of your body is enormously important to your health?

The optimal condition for your body is a balanced environment that is not too acidic and not overly alkaline. If your body is overly acidic, you may be more susceptible to certain illnesses. You may also become deficient in certain nutrients. This is because when the body is too acidic, the body may need to take minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium from your bones to neutralize the acid. This can put your body under a lot of strain.

If your acidity gets extreme, it is known as acidosis — a condition which requires urgent medical attention. If it is mild, you may not notice a problem at first, until you find yourself feeling worse and worse in unexpected ways.

Signs your body may be too acidic

  • You feel fatigued, even when you’ve had enough sleep.
  • You feel depressed or have a hard time enjoying things that you used to.
  • You find yourself especially irritable for no discernible reason.
  • You feel like you cannot focus or have “brain fog” often.
  • You frequently develop infections, colds and flu.
  • Your skin is dry, even in the warmer months.
  • You have acne or other skin problems.
  • You have hormonal imbalance issues.
  • You frequently develop yeast infections.
  • You feel like your digestion is sluggish, or frequently experience constipation or diarrhea.
  • You find yourself becoming short of breath often.
  • You frequently experience joint pain.
  • You often experience headaches.
  • You experience chronic allergies or sinus pain.
  • You suffer from chronic pain that is not due to an injury or a medical condition.
  • Your neck often feels stiff or sore.
  • You have sensitive gums and teeth.

If you find you are experiencing multiple symptoms on this list, it’s time to check your pH.

Here is how to get your body back in balance:

Quit eating processed foods

Cut out processed food if your body is acidic.

These are often acidic, and seriously, they’re not doing any of your body’s systems any good. Processed foods include fast food, boxed meals and many packaged products. Make a commitment to cooking nutritious meals made from fresh ingredients at home. This is one of the most important things you can do for your pH and your overall health.

Stop eating so much sugar

It is best to eliminate the refined sugar in your diet altogether. This definitely means no soda (super acidification powers in those fizzy, sugary drinks). If you need to sweeten your meals and beverages, use pure honey instead.

Stay away from artificial sweeteners

They may promote acidity, and they’re also terrible for your health. Essentially the artificial sweeteners in soda, coffee and flavored drinks trick your body. Consuming them often may even lead to metabolic syndrome.

Cut down on the coffee

While coffee itself has a lot of health benefits, it can also be acidic on your system. If you’re struggling with mild acidosis, it may be best to quit the coffee for a while, or at least cut down. Try to replace your coffee habit with herbal tea.

Get white flour out of your diet

When your body is acidic, eating white flour doesn’t help.

White flour is heavily processed and stripped of its nutritious compounds.

Reduce your consumption of both dairy and meat

While these can be healthy, they can also be acidic. Either eliminate them for a while until your body is back to a healthy pH or cut down. Double up on vegetables and fresh fruits instead.

Eat lot of vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables have an alkalizing effect on your body, so make sure you’re getting an ample amount of them.

Drink lots of water

Make sure you’re getting at least eight glasses each and every day. Proper hydration is the key to getting your body back into balance.

Take steps to reduce your stress

Meditation and yoga are all wonderful practices that can help you greatly with your stress relief quest. Make room in your schedule to unwind and do the things you love to do.


Sedentary behaviour may contribute to acidity, so make sure you get moving and stay moving. Start by taking a walk every day. Next, add a routine that includes strength training three times per week.

Don’t smoke

If you still do, quit. Cigarettes are great for promoting a toxic environment in your body.

Take supplements

Take natural supplement such as “Body Regulator” to correct your body acid level.

If you follow these steps, you should soon find that your body is becoming less acidic.



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Causes of low back pain Fri, 09 Mar 2018 04:30:23 +0000 Low back pain is a usual symptom among the modern and civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes.

People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.

We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain at least once in life.

The causes of low back pain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.

The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

The following are some causes for backache.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back.

2) Backache due to gynecological problems.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back:-

a) Injuries :-

1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column.

2) Rupture of intervertebral discs.

3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back.

4) Lumbosacral strain.

5) Intervertebral joint injuries.

6) Fracture of processes of vertebra.

b) Functional backache due to imbalance:-

1) During pregnancy.

2) Pot belly.

3) Diseases of the hip joint.

4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect.

5) Short leg in one side.

c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions:-

1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria.

2) Tuberculosis of the spine.

3) Arthritis.

4) Brucellosis.

5) Lumbago or fibrositis.

6) Inflamation of the muscles.

7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back.

1) Osteoarthritis.

2) Osteoporosis in old people.

3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine:-

1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine.

2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems:-

a) After childbirth.

b) After gynaecological operations.

c) Prolapse of the uterus.

d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases.

e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs.

f) Endometriosis.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

a) Renal stones.

b) Ureteric stone.

c) Cancer of prostate.

d) Pancreatitis.

e) Biliary stones.

f) Peptic ulcer.

g) Inflammations of pelvic organs.

h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries.

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Medicinal Value of Mistletoe Sun, 04 Mar 2018 04:53:46 +0000 Mistletoe, the parasitic plant is a peculiar plant. Its roots sink into the branches and
trunks of other trees, instead of into the soil.

The seeds need sunlight to germinate, unlike most other plants that need darkness. The
leaves produce chlorophyll even in the darkness, unlike other plants that turn yellowish
when there is no light.

Mistletoe is an evergreen plant that does not die easily. As a parasite, mistletoe is a
disease on other plants which makes farmers to dread the plant.

Mistletoe produces toxic berries, which are eaten by birds that spread them to other trees.

Being gelatinous, the seeds stick easily to the trees and so germinate there.

The leaves contain choline and acetylcholine, which act directly on the autonomic nervous

The berries contain alkaloids and toxic substances. For this reason, I advise
against any form of internal application of the berries.

The mistletoe on guava, kolanut, cocoa and trees of the citrus family are the most potent
kinds of mistletoe.

All other are also good but may not be as effective as the ones mentioned above.

For the treatments of cancer, the mistletoe of guava is the best, This is because it
contains the highest concentration of lectins, a kind of proteins that science has
discovered to destroy cancerous tumors and cells.

The best time to collect mistletoe in tropical country like Nigeria is between 12noon and
1pm. As soon as you collect the leaves, rinse them in water, and then spread them out on a
mat or zinc in an airy place.

Do not expose the leaves to direct sunlight for more than one day. This is generally true
of all herbs.

It is always better to dry fresh leaves in a shady but airy place. It takes
seven to 10 days for mistletoe to be properly dried.

As the leaves get dried they tend to turn dark in colour.

Indeed, mistletoe is a very peculiar plant.

Mistletoe is found all over the world wherever there are big trees, and it has many
species. To treat diseases, in most cases, the leaves of mistletoe are boiled and the
liquid filtrated is used as tea.

Mistletoe is not meant for the sick alone. It is also recommended for those who wish to
remain healthy.

Drinking a cup of mistletoe tea daily will ensure protection against diabetes, malaria,
typhoid, migraine, hypertension, pneumonia and all sorts of physical ailments.

It has been used as a traditional herbal remedy for the treatment for cough, especially
convulsive cough, bronchial asthma, and asthmatic attacks due to psychological tension.

Traditional herbal medicine uses mistletoe as a natural treatment for arthritic pain and it
is believed to be an effective external treatment for leucorrhoea, gout and sciatica.

Mistletoe should not be used along with heart medications as the combination creates an
increased risk of cardiac slow-down.

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Medicinal Value of Dandelion Sun, 04 Mar 2018 04:09:40 +0000 Dandelion root is one of the safest and most popular herbal remedies on the market and is widely used today.

Traditionally it can be made into a tonic that is known for strengthening the entire body, especially the liver and gallbladder because it promotes the flow of bile.

Dandelion root contains taraxacin so it reduces the inflammation to the bile ducts and reduces gallstones. It is commonly used for Hepatitis, liver swelling, and jaundice. It also helps with indigestion.

This plant also goes by the French name, Pissenlit. Ironically enough when used in the tea form made by the leaves or the root has a tendency to act as a diuretic on the kidneys.

Over the counter diuretics have a tendency to suck the potassium out of the body but not the dandelion leaves.

Dandelion root tea has helped some actually avoid surgery for urinary stones.

Dandelion are really just good for overall health and well being so just about anyone could benefit from a cup of dandelion tea.

When you take a dandelion plant and break the stem you will find a milky white substance inside.

This substance is great for removing warts, pimples, moles, calluses, soothing of bee stings, and blisters.

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Welcome Sun, 04 Mar 2018 03:50:46 +0000 Welcome to total health land where you will get informative, helpful and highly valued information on natural and herbal solutions to various health issues.

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